Monday, May 7, 2012

Mother's Day

Now that I have the 3 little boys tagging along with me everywhere I go, eating out is a different experience.  They are generally well-behaved in public, but they aren't the biggest fans of eating at restaurants and I can see why.  It goes against their perpetual motion mechanisms to sit still for extended periods of time and then their Mom (aka ME) is always frowning at them when they come up with AWESOME ideas.  For example, attempting to eat spaghetti the way our dog would, without utensils or appendages, face first into the sloppy noodles didn't earn a positive reaction from me.  On top of that, the prices are always raised on Mother's Day and most of our favorite restaurants only offer "special" menus.  For these, and many other reasons, we've moved away from the traditional "Mother's Day Brunch" and I've been looking for different things to do with the kids, and with my mom.

This year my mom and I are going to PAINT!!  I'm so excited!  This amazing artist, Timree, taught a boys painting class a couple of weeks ago that G did and loved, so now my mom and I are going back for a little Mother's Day painting class.

Here's 5 year old G's airplane painting (his first time EVER painting on a canvas with real paints)

How adorable is her studio in Newport Beach? 

She has so many fun paintings to chose from in her classes.

After my mom and I paint our cute little paintings, hubby and the kids are going to meet us down by the beach to go on a little Duffy boat ride and picnic.  What a fun day! And no sitting still in a stuffy restaurant for the boys!

Not only is this going to be my mother's day gift, but she's doing a sweet "Father's Day" painting class that G and hubby will go to (the other boys aren't old enough to take the classes yet).  They're painting flip flops! How cute is that?

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could join, sounds like fun! :)
